Maximiliano Campos

Maximiliano Campos

Senior Chief for Water Resources

Department of Sustainable Development
Organization of American States

With an academic background in Earth Sciences and Meteorology from Millersville University of Pennsylvania and the University of Costa Rica, Max Campos is since October 2009, the Senior Chief for the Integrated Water Resources Management Division at the Organization of American States (OAS). Previously he was the Executive Secretary for the Regional Committee on Hydraulic Resources (CRRH), which is an agency for the Central America Integration System (SICA), specialized on integrated water resources management, hydro meteorology and climate. 

Max Campos has developed a profession on administration of science as well as on formulation and evaluation of projects. He has done work for international organizations like GEF, UNDP, UNEP, WMO and OAS, for all governments in Central America, for non-governmental organizations like IUCN and the Global Water Partnership (GWP), and for Universities and the private sector. He has also represented Costa Rica during the negotiation process for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (INC-UN-FCCC), and also had a very active participation in the organization and implementation of activities for the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI), the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UN-IPCC), and several other international, regional and national organizations. 

Besides his actual position as Senior Chief for Water Resources at the OAS, he is a member of the Executive Council for the Inter American Water Resources Network (IWRN) and also to Technical Committees for several projects. Under the Department of Sustainable Development of OAS he has the responsibility to promote and coordinate regional activities on water/climate, peace and democracy with all countries of the Americas.