Burke Auditorium, Kroon Hall, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
Saturday, April 7th, 2018
Breakfast and Registration
Opening Address
First Keynote
Latin America and the Caribbean: Land of Opportunity
Speaker: Grethel Aguilar, IUCN Regional Director for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, and F&ES McCluskey Fellow 2018
First Panel
Water with No Water Access: Co-creating Management for Health and Resilience
Panelists: Gloria Alvarado (President, Chilean National Federation of Rural Drinking Water); Max Campos (Senior Chief, Water Resources at the Organization of American States); Mauro Nalesso (Water and Sanitation Lead Specialist, Inter American Development Bank)
Second Keynote
Conversation with a Global Leader: How developing countries shaped the Paris Agreement
Speaker: Manuel Pulgar-Vidal (Global Climate and Energy Program Director, WWF)
Second Panel
Power and Partnerships: The Influence of Latin America in Global Access to Affordable and Clean Energy
Panelists: Spencer Thomas (Grenada’s UN Ambassador and Special Envoy for Multilateral Environmental Agreements); Juan Lucci (China-Latin America Sustainable Investments Initiative, Bank Information Center); Mauricio Castro (Former Director: Fundecooperacion - Costa Rica, Benin and Bhutan partnership)
Coffee Break
Third Panel
New Leadership, Female Empowerment and Capacity Building in Indigenous and Local Communities
Panelists: Nina Gualinga (Leader and advocate, Kichwa Sarayacu Community, Ecuador); Melania Canales (Vice President, National Federation of Indigenous Women - ONAMIAP, Peru); Yeshing Upún (Coordinator for Indigenous Peoples Rights, Sotz’il, Guatemala); Noemí Gualinga (Representative, Kichwa Sarayacu Community, Ecuador)
Closing Keynote
Takeaways for Young Professionals: Appreciating Intersectionality in our Work
Speaker: Julia Carabias Recipient of the Belisario Domínguez Mexican medal of honor (2017)