2021 Conference:
Recovering from the Pandemic Through Sustainability
April 5th - 9th, 2021
2021 Agenda
This agenda is evolving. Please revisit this page as we get closer.
Day One
Palabras de apertura de los co-presidentes de la conferencia
Opening Remarks by conference Co-chairs
Antiguos y nuevos problemas de sostenibilidad en las ciudades: revelaciones del COVID
Research Professor at the Ciudad, Gestión, Territorio y Ambiente (City, Management, Land and Environment) research program at the Interdisciplinary Research Center on Sciences and Humanities at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
Day Two
Soluciones Basadas en la Naturaleza en el Sector Agua en América Latina y el Caribe
Climate change is threatening water resources in both urban and rural areas in the LATAM region. This threat to water resources and its implications for public health has become more clear and pressing in the current global pandemic. We know that future solutions will have to include nature-based solutions (NBS) for communities and cities to sustainably adapt to changing water conditions. What is currently being done in LATAM to push these forward?
The panel will be in Spanish, with simultaneous translation to English.
Water and Cities Director for Conservation International - Colombia
Manager of Water Management and Urban Resilience for WRI Mexico Cities’ program
Deputy Director, Instituto de Montaña
Day Three
El sector de agua, saneamiento e higiene y su respuesta al Covid-19: Iniciativas en América Latina y el Caribe
Programme Manager, Water and Sanitation at Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)
Defendiendo la Amazonía: Historias y Desafíos
Deforestation in the Amazon has increased in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. A group of reporters, indigenous communities, non-profit organizations and activists work to defend the forest. How has their work been impacted by COVID-19?
The panel will be in Spanish, with simultaneous translation to English.
Journalist and Editor
President, Management Committee of the Tambopata National Reserve
Project coordinator of Conservamos por Naturaleza
Day Four
There are no Panels or Keynotes scheduled for Day Four.
Day FIve
Vías de descarbonización: aumentando la ambición climática en el sector AFOLU
Due to institutional and technology lock-in, the decisions made by governments today will likely determine the carbon-intensity of Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) economies for years to come. How can we balance the need for an urgent economic recovery and the necessary movement towards a decarbonized economy to prevent potentially catastrophic climate change impacts? What are the critical next steps for the AFOLU sector?
Coordinator of Operations in Pronatura Sur A.C
Regional Program Leader for Latin America in the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)
REDD+ and AFOLU Director, Verra
Concibiendo nuevos futuros urbanos a través de innovación
LAC is one of the most urbanized regions in the world, and 90% of COVID cases have originated in cities. Moreover, COVID has exposed some of the deepest problems in Latin American cities: deep inequalities, unsustainable mobility systems, and poorly managed water resources. As income of LAC urbanites grows, the battle for a sustainable future will be won or lost within their boundaries. How can we envision cities as hubs of sustainable and healthy living? What innovative approaches are being taken to shift course?
Executive Director, Lima Como Vamos
Clinical Associate Professor, School of Sustainability, Arizona State University
Palabras de cierre
Closing remarks by Eduardo Fernandez-Duque (CLAIS)